The following text explains some of the reasons behind this move, and outlines some of the things you can expect, in more detail.
Why are we switching?
The University Repository is specifically
designed to store and manage bibliographic data concerning university research
outputs, especially publications. You can also store and make available full
text versions of your published outputs, a vital requirement to comply with
HEFCE and other funders’ open access requirements (see the Open Access LibGuide
for more information).
What’s happening to the publications details in TULIP?
These details have been imported into the University
Repository. The way publication details have been held previously, coupled with
the process of bringing them into the Repository, means that some data will
look poor in the Repository; for example, attempts to de-merge long author
lists mean author surnames such as de
Bolins or van Houten may not
display correctly. The most obvious difference will be that often authors will
appear twice in a record. This is explained in the following blog post Knowing Me Knowing You. It is important to note this is a result of how data have
been previously stored and then imported into the Repository; it is not a
“feature” of the Repository, future publications will not exhibit the same
inconsistencies, and details can be edited within the Repository. The citations
should still display the authors of a publication correctly.
Will details of all my publications be publicly viewable immediately through the Repository?
Yes and no. Those publication details that are currently
viewable to other systems via TULIP will be publicly viewable immediately
through the Repository. Those details that are in TULIP but currently hidden
from other systems will be imported into something called the Review Buffer in
the Repository, and will have their confidential status set to yes.
In order to make such hidden items available, you will need to log in and
return the item to your work area. You will then need to create a new version
of the record and make any required edits, including setting the “confidential”
status to “no” before placing the item back into the Review Buffer. Library
staff can then check the details before the item is made available. In this way
we ensure that no matter what the original reason for hiding a publication,
they remain hidden until a choice is made by you to change that status. In
other words, there is no need to worry that currently hidden records will
suddenly become publicly viewable after the switch.
How will this affect things like my staff web page and Portfolio of Assessment?
These systems will continue to take their information from
TULIP. The University Repository and TULIP will be linked in such a way that
TULIP will mirror publication details entered in the Repository, and so, in
practice, you should not notice any difference in your staff web page displays.
There are checks in place to ensure that items in the repository cannot be
removed (or certain changes made) if they are used in other official systems, such
as a Portfolio of Assessment.
What will the University Repository do?
The University Repository will act as the university’s
primary location for our published research outputs. Details of journal
articles, monographs, conference proceedings and so on will be entered into the
Repository either by research staff themselves or administrative staff on their
behalf. Once entered, details will be quality checked by library staff before
being made publicly available. Library staff will also check that the version
of full-text papers uploaded to the repository is the correct one.
How does the Repository relate to open access?
The Repository will be one of our key ways of making
publications available on an open access basis. The University’s Open Access policy
(due to be considered by Senate in November 2014) requires staff to upload
details of journal articles and conference proceedings (i.e. all outputs in
publications with an ISSN) and their author accepted manuscript into the
Repository within three months of acceptance by a journal. The author accepted
manuscript is your own version of the paper incorporating all revisions
required by the peer review process, but not including the publisher’s own
formatting. This will be required to meet the HEFCE’s policy on open access and
the next Research Excellence Framework. For clarity, this form of open access
is often referred to as Green open access and author self-archiving.
How do I get publications details into the Repository?
A full guide to uploading publications into the Repository is available. In summary, there are two main ways of entering publication details:- manually, that is by typing them in; and
- by import, that is by importing details from sources such as DOIs, PubMed IDs, or EndNote libraries.
Who should I contact if I have a question not answered here?
Please send your enquiries to Your question will then be
answered or forwarded to someone else for an answer as appropriate.
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