Wednesday, 11 June 2014

"Sandbox" University of Repository now available

In preparation for the next Research Excellence Framework the university needs to develop an institutional repository in order to meet the requirements of the REF Open Access policy.

The Library and CSD are developing our University Repository for this purpose, and a “sandbox” version of the Repository is now available at

We want to ensure that the Repository meets your needs as well as those of the Research Excellence Framework, and so over summer the sandbox University Repository will be available for you to test out its features and experiment with uploading information.

We will gather feedback and make announcements of developments on this blog, where you can also get further details of the what and why of the Repository (see earlier entries below). This is your chance to tell us what features you would like to see added and what needs to be improved.

As this is a sandbox version of the Repository you can add dummy items and try out different use cases. We will be re-setting the sandbox at points during the summer, so don’t be surprised to find new features added, and items you have created no longer there. A Deposit Guide is available from the Repository homepage to get you started.

The Repository includes publication details imported from both TULIP and the old Research Archive (an earlier system using the same software as the new University Repository). These data will in some cases be less than ideal, but as part of the testing period you can try out editing records.

Acting on your feedback, the full version of the Repository (including full integration with TULIP to ensure that items appear in your profile pages) will then be launched in time for the start of the new academic session.

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